Awareness Session titled “Protection Strategies Against Violence and Sexual Assaul”- Nour WGSS- Al Zahira

The mobile team of Nour WGSS in Al Zahira organized  an awareness session on the Protection Strategies against Violence and Sexual Assault  at The Comprehensive Specialized Clinics, Thalassemia Center.
The facilitator Manar Jibaee explained the importance of learning protection and self-defense techniques saying that gaining such skills will enable girls and women to protect themselves when necessary.
One of the attendees said, ” As a parent, I made sure to teach my children how to protect themselves at an early age. I talked to them about their body parts and body boundaries and taught them that some body parts are private and that no one is ever allowed to touch them. I always  encourage them to talk to me about everything that happens to them. By doing this, my kids feel  safe and protected. “
It is worth mentioning that the mobile teams of Nour WGSS hold awareness raising sessions on health care, mental health, and social issues. The sessions, which are funded by the UNFPA, are designed to reach all community members especially  women.